Frank Sacco
Frank's Latest Interactions
Hello 1970 Classmates. Reminder that May 4th annual MINI REUNION at the Post Office Saloon
5:00-----9:00 Appetizers provided. No Host Cocktails. Come as you are. We like to see a good turnout. See you there.
Hola paisano! Feliz cumpleanos y que cumplas muchos mas! I hope you have a terrific day with friends and family. See you, God willing, at the next class meeting.
Un fuerte abrazo,
David and I got along good in High School. Over the years he's attended most if not all our Reunions. We got closer over the years on Face Book. One of the few times I can apprecaite Social Media. He will be MISSED. RIP. Amen.
Larry was one of the very first guys I met my Freshman year. Had a lot of FUN and LAUGHS together. He was part of the Reunion Committee and will be missed. I understand there be a service for him at the Veterans Cemetery in EARLY AUGUST. Mike Mattocks will let US know. RIP Larry, MY FRIEND.
REUNION IS ON !!! YAY! What a YEAR! You survived the Pandemic. Time to enjoy life. Join me and our fellow Classmates and attend our 50th Reunion. Oct. 22-24. We've made these events AFFORDABLE and MOST ENJOYABLE without a doubt. Keep looking for updates on Facebook, Classmates and This (OUR WEB SITE)
Hello fellow Classmates " Class of 1970." You are cordially invited to attend OUR 50th Reunion Saturday October 24th, 2020 at the Elks Club. Friday night mixer at The Best Western / CR Gibbs on Hilltop Dr. Group Rate Room Accommodations available. Details will be updated in the days ahead.
This event will be our last only 1970 Grads Reunion. It will surely be EMOTIONAL, FUN and AFFORDABLE. MARK YOUR CALENDARS. Spread the word! THANK YOU.
Posted on: Feb 19, 2020 at 3:58 PM
Hello from the Reunion Committee. Requesting any photos of your "Local Area" Elementary and Shasta High School Photos that you hid or saved. We're creating a photo album and your photos would be appreciated. If you want to share PLEASE DO. Just upload to THANK YOU.
Hello fellow Classmates " Class of 1970." You are cordially invited to attend OUR 50th Reunion Saturday October 24th, 2020 at the Elks Club. Friday night mixer at The Best Western / CR Gibbs on Hilltop Dr. Group Rate Room Accommodations available. Details will be updated in the days ahead.
This event will be our last only 1970 Grads Reunion. It will surely be EMOTIONAL, FUN and AFFORDABLE. MARK YOUR CALENDARS. Spread the word! THANK YOU.
An quiet good man. Had him in many classrooms throughout the 4 years. RIP. Dennis.
Posted on: Jul 31, 2018 at 1:33 AM